NSVS School Contact Information
All NSVS courses follow the Public School Program (PSP). As in regular physical classrooms and real-life, students need time to complete the PSP requirements.

About NSVS

About NSVS Courses
NSVS courses consist of a set of lessons, activities and projects. It is expected that students will be online every day for about a 1-hour period completing work and meeting with their teacher and fellow students online through e-chat.

NSVS Standards
NSVS standards for online courses outline a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 90 minutes of synchronous activity per week. This is the time when a student would be online at the same time as the online teacher and fellow students in the course. This time is chosen based on the student’s schedule and there are generally 2 or 3 choices of login times each week. Students will also have daily lessons which they will need to complete. If conflicts arise for students with the e-chat schedule, they should resolve this with their NSVS teacher.
Coordinating NSVS Courses at Your School
Students who are enrolled in online courses through the Nova Scotia Virtual School (NSVS) require a co-ordinating teacher at their school to supervise them while they are completing online class work.
Co-ordinating teachers:

Receive and administer assessments
Act as a liaison between the online teacher and the student, as needed
Provide an acceptable space for the needs of NSVS students within the school, with consideration given to students participating in chats
Daily supervision of students as they work on their online course(s), including the monitoring of attendance
Ensure the NSVS student has materials and equipment needed to fulfill requirements of the course.
Immediately contact the NSVS teacher if any information needs to be shared
Receive regular email updates about student enrollment in online courses
Contact teachers will also receive an introductory letter with instructions for the student. They will need to check with their assigned students to ensure they open this email (student email account) in advance of the course start date. The email contains instructions about their NSVS course, with links and their enrolment information for accessing their course materials and a link to the student orientation will also be contained in this welcome email.

Where can I find out what students need for their online courses?
Information about textbooks and other materials that are required for NSVS courses can be found on the NSVS website under “NSVS Courses”. Materials that are provided by NSVS are indicated with an asterisk *. Materials not marked with an asterisk * will need to be provided by the school. A grant is provided to school boards to assist with these acquisitions. Please contact your RCE Registrar if you need assistance.
For all NSVS courses students will need:
- Daily access to a computer
- Headset and webcam
- Word processing program, at a minimum, should be available on the student computer.

If the student requires an IPP/Adaptations
If a student has been supported by an IPP and /or adaptations in a related programming area and will need support for their online course, it is important this be identified during the registration process.
This will enable time for additional dialogue and for a program planning team meeting to be convened with the involvement of the NSVS teacher.

How do grades get into PowerSchool?
Mid-term and final grades and comments are sent directly to the InSchool Project Manager in your RCE and are uploaded by them into Power School. These grades and comments will appear on the school report card when printed.
However students can view their marks at any time within their NSVS course in the Moodle gradebook.

Withdrawal Process
In the event that a student decides not to take a course they are currently enrolled in, please contact your Regional Online Coordinator with the student’s name, school name and course. Please do this as soon as you know a student will not be taking a course so other students can be accommodated.
Regional Centres
Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education
Cape Breton – Victoria Regional Centre for Education
Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education
Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
Halifax Regional Centre for Education
South Shore Regional Centre for Education
Strait Regional Centre for Education
Tri-County Regional Centre for Education
Regional Online Coordinators
Mark Richards
Leanna Campbell-MacDonald
Matthew Wilson
Sheralynne Deveaux-MacKinnon
Chris Cocek
Brian Van Den Heuvel
Jim Dexter
Todd Wallace