Technical Support
Help Desk

Technical Difficulties?
NSVS Help Desk is open 8:30 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday email ( or
by phone 902-424-2450

How do I register for NSVS courses?
To find out more about NSVS online courses and register for next semester, talk to your school Guidance Counsellor or Registrar.
How Do I Get Help?
NSVS Help Desk is open 8:30 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday
email ( or by phone 902-424-2450

The NSVS Contact at your school
The NSVS Contact at your school, who may be a teacher, guidance counsellor, or administrator can help you find a space to do your work and help you get started with your course.

Your NSVS Teacher
Your NSVS Teacher can answer questions about your course, the course work, and where to find other information you need. Their contact information is in your course – write it down!

The NSVS Help Desk
The NSVS Help Desk can help solve any problems you may have with accessing your NSVS course or other technical difficulties from 8:30am to 3pm Monday to Friday at or 902-424-2450.
We are here to help! Let one of us know right away if you need support.